magician's hat Magic John
Magic John has performed on every continent, for over 30 years.
magician's hat
"If Magic was possible, this is how it would look"

Comments from Fans:

Styles of Magic:

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Comment from Magic John:

I want my audience to have the chance to feel like a child again.  As a child there are many things that we see that are mysteriious.  As we get older we lose the chance to be mystified.  I try to bring that back.  What I do is not magic, it just looks like it.  The audience should be challenged to look at the world with a different perspective.  I don't like to use much equipment, I use completely "day-to-day" objects, just causing them to behave in strange ways.  

My magic plays with your mind, not your eyes.

An Interesting Challenge

People often challenge me to something, some magic they know, or some bar-challenge. I have one of my own, you can try it here or next time you see me.

What Magicians Do

There are a number of expriments that have been performed over the years that demonstrate the art of mis-direction. I have saved videos of a couple of favorites for your pleasure.

Booking Information

Magic John can be contacted in a number of ways:
     Telephone: Click here      eMail: Click here      web:

Videos And Pictures

Generally I prefer live to 'video' but I do have a few offerings at my Video Page

contact info

Copyright © 2010..13 Magic JohnAll Rights Reserved
