Magic John has performed on every continent, for over 30 years.
"If Magic was possible, this is how
it would look"
from Fans:
"I know that the dollar that he borrowed from me really did
float, but his hands demonstrated that there were no strings, by going
all around it", James, McMurdo Station, Antarctica.
"I have never lauged so much", Roy, Newark, NJ
"There is no way that he forced me to chose that card, but
it was the only one that was upside down", Julie, London, UK.
"Seeing Magic John lets you suspend reality and become a
child again", Yakov, Jeruslalem, Israel.
"I have seen him perform many times but it is still magic",
Nami, Tokyo, Japan
"Our conuntry is full of fakirs but he came from the UK and
amazed us", Rajiit, Mumbai, India
"I love to see Magic done that well", Lou, Las Vegas, NV
"I was determined that I wouldn't be impressed, boy was I
wrong", Marta, Georgetown, Guyana
"I actually felt myself being cut in half, I know it isn't
possible, but others saw it and I felt it", Sharonna, Loveland, CO
"I loved his 'Investigation of ESP'",
Jeanie, Johanesberg, South Africa
"I know it's not real, but it looks it", Jamie, Sydney,
"My customers always love it when he just walks to their
table and makes a tortilla chip float", Della, Loveland, CO
of Magic:
Walk-around - this is ideal for cocktail parties and
similar events
Bar - just sitting at the bar with people all around
Restaurant - wandering from table to table
Private party - your family room, his magic
Trade shows - no better way to get visitors to your booth
Parlor - for groups of a few dozen to a few hundred
Stage - for large groups and audiences
Educational - teaching a little about history and
illustrating it with magic
Magic John tailors his shows to the audience and needs of
the client
Stage appearances can be as short as five minutes of guest
time, or filler while sets are changed
A full stage and/or parlor show are also available
Requested Illusions:
In intimate environments such as bars, private parties and
restaurants Magic John rarely avoids being asked to perform his version
of "the floating dollar". A borrowed piece of paper money
floats, with no obvious support
His "Self levitation" is always a hit. He just
walks away and then you see him float off the ground
Card fans are always amazed that he has already marked the
card that they are going to chose
In larger environmets his "Explanation of ESP" is always a
"The Ashes of Chung Ling Soo" is not only entertaining, it
is funny and truly mystifying as well as educational
from Magic John:
I want my audience to have the chance to feel like a child again.
As a child there are many things that we see that are
mysteriious. As we get older we lose the chance to be
mystified. I try to bring that back. What I do is
not magic, it just looks like it. The audience should be
challenged to look at the world with a different perspective.
I don't like to use much equipment, I use completely
"day-to-day" objects, just causing them to behave in strange ways.
magic plays with your mind, not your eyes.
An Interesting Challenge:
People often challenge me to something, some magic they know, or some
bar-challenge. I have one of my own, you can
try it here
or next time you see me.
What Magicians Do:
There are a number of expriments that have been performed over the years
that demonstrate the art of mis-direction. I have
saved videos of
a couple of favorites for your pleasure.
Booking Information:
Magic John can be contacted in a number of ways:
Click here
Click here
Videos And Pictures:
Generally I prefer live to 'video' but I do have a few offerings at my
Video Page